General Concepts

Test Cases


Control Part

You may think of control part of an ATS as the main function in a program: this is where test cases are instantiated and executed in the order that fits your needs, with additional conditions or loops or the usual programming control primitives.

The control code is usually located at the end of the ATS, and it is a good practice to stick to this structure, defining all test cases classes before it, leading to the following advised ATS layout:

  1. ATS header, comments
  2. import directives
  3. ATS-wide function definitions, including templates (non-shared functions or templates are better kept within their test cases)
  4. Test Case and Behaviour definitions as Python classes
  5. Control part

For instance:

# Some comments here

# Let's import some stuff shared with our colleages
from myteam.SharedFunctions_2_3 as CommonTeam
import mysite.utils as Utils

# We define some templates and functions
def mw_myTemplate(text, minsize = 10, author = any()):
  return { 'text': text, 'size': greater_than(minsize), 'author': author }

def f_sleep(duration):
  t_sleep = Timer(duration)

# Now, let's define some test cases
class TC_MY_TESTCASE(TestCase):
  A first test case.
  def body(self):

# Another one
  Don't forget to document me.
  def body(self, loopCount = 10):

# Finally, the control part
TC_MY_SECOND_TESTCASE().execute(loopCount = 20)

In the ATS control section, TTCN-3 allows several basic operations, and so does Testerman:

  • Logging, using the [#ThelogStatement log() statement]
  • Stopping the ATS explicitly, using the [#ThestopStatement stop() statement]
  • [#ExecutingaTestCase Executing a test case], optionally modifying some test case information on the fly (such as its ID)

In addition, TTCN-3 provides a way to create and start timers from the control part. Testerman does not, however it offers several facilities to:

  • [#ControllingLogLevel Control log level]
  • [#TestAdapterConfiguration Define and use test adapter configurations]
  • [#ControllingTestCasesExecution Control ATS autostop after a testcase failure]

Executing a Test Case

To execute a test case, you first have to instantiate its class, then call its execute() method. In practice, this translates to:


The execute() method may take any optional or mandatory arguments, depending on how you defined the test case body. Naming the argument before assigning it a value is mandatory. Let’s imagine you defined a test case this way:

class TC_MY_TESTCASE(TestCase):
  def body(self, clip, clir, cnip = False, cnir = False):

This defines a test case with 4 parameters: two of them are mandatory (clip and clir), while the two last (cnip and cnir) are optional, as they have a default value. You may then execute such a test case with:

# Minimal case: we only provide the mandatory parameters
TC_MY_TESTCASE().execute(clir = False, clip = True)
# We provide an additional, optional parameter value
TC_MY_TESTCASE().execute(clir = False, clip = True, cnir = True)
# Or all of them (notice that the argument order does not matter):
TC_MY_TESTCASE().execute(cnip = True, clir = False, clip = True, cnir = True)

The following cases would lead to a runtime error, as the mandatory paraemeters won’t be set:

# Missing mandatory parameters
# Missing argument name - not a syntax error, but won't fill clip/clir
TC_MY_TESTCASE().execute(False, True)
# Missing mandatory parameter
TC_MY_TESTCASE().execute(clir = True, cnir = False)

A call to execute() returns the test case verdict, as a character string in "pass", "inconc", "fail", "none", "error". You may use this result to execute additional tests or stop the ATS conditionally (see [#ThestopStatement below] for some examples).

Test Case Instantiation

Upon test case instantiation, you also have the possibility to alter some of its static attributes to adapt them to the execution context:

TC_MY_TESTCASE(title = "Sample test case", id_suffix = "001").execute()

Both title and id_suffix are optional.

  • title is a way to label your test case with a friendly short description. Such a title can then be used in log analyzers and reporters to create more clear and readable test execution reports.
  • id_suffix enables to alter the test case ID, which is its class name (in this sample, TC_MY_TESTCASE) with an additional suffix. When such a suffix is present, an underscore character is automatically added before adding it to the native ID. In this case, for instance, the executed test case would have a final ID equals to TC_MY_TESTCASE_001.

These parameters may prove useful when looping over the same test case with different parameters:

i = 0
for clir in [ True, False ]:
  for clip in [ True, False ]:
    i += 1
    TC_MY_TESTCASE(id_prefix = "%3.3d" % i, title = "Call with clip=%s, clir=%s" % (clip, clir)).execute(clip = clip, clir = clir)

will result in the four following test cases:

ID Title
TC_MY_TESTCASE_001 Call with clip=True, clir=True
TC_MY_TESTCASE_002 Call with clip=False, clir=True
TC_MY_TESTCASE_003 Call with clip=True, clir=False
TC_MY_TESTCASE_004 Call with clip=True, clir=False

In particular, their IDs are now unique.

Controlling Log Level

Several functions are provided to control the logs that the execution may generate.

Generally, you don’t need to use these functions, as the default log levels provide all that is necessary to construct acceptable log files for functional testing analysis. However, in several conditions, you may need to add additional internal traces, using:


or disable them later in your ATS, using:


Finally, if you don’t care analysing your test cases (known to work already) and you need to boost test execution performances (for minimal load testing, for instance), you may use:


to disable all traces except the core ones that will be used to identify ATSes and test cases executions.

A fine-grain log control is also available, using enable_log_levels(*levels) and disable_log_levels(*levels).

Controlling Test Cases Execution

The execute() method of a Test Case returns its verdict. It enables to stop your ATS conditionally:

if TC_MY_TESTCASE().execute() != PASS:
  stop() # explicit ATS stop, this is a critical testcase
TC_MY_SECOND_TESTCASE().execute()  # we don't care about its verdict
if TC_MY_THIRD_TESTCASE().execute() != PASS:
  stop() # another important testcase

While this method offers a precise control over which testcase may be considered critical enough to justify the ATS abortion, it is not convenient when you want any testcase failure to stop the ATS.

In this case, you may use the stop_ats_on_testcase_failure() directive:

# auto stop on failure


Test Adapter Configuration

A test adapter configuration is a Testerman context that enables to define a set of bindings, i.e. the mapping between test system interface ports and probes, with their location on the network and particular properties, to use when executing your test cases.

In the mid term, such configurations will be taken outside the ATS, as they can be different from one site (or user) to another one. This deals with ATS portability, and running an ATS to another site should not make the operator modify the source at all.

However, for now, the test adapter configuration can be done only programmatically, using the TestAdapterConfiguration Testerman class:

myconfig = TestAdapterConfiguration('myconfig')
myconfig.bind('ldapServer', 'probe:ldap', 'ldap')
myconfig.bind('hlr', 'probe:sctp@remoteagent', 'sctp', listening_port = 14001)

This will create a test adapter configuration labelled/named default, binding a ldap probe to the test system interface port name ldapServer and a remote SCTP probe bound to hlr. This probe is also pre-configured to listen on port 14001.

Then, to activate a test adapter configuration, use:


where name is the name of your defined configuration, for instance 'myconfig' in the example above.

Activating a configuration automatically deactivates the previous one, if any.

However, it is not mandatory to create a test adapter configuration explicitely. You may also use the bind instruction directly, and it will use a built-in, default test adapter configuration:

bind('ldapServer', 'probe:ldap', 'ldap')
bind('hlr', 'probe:sctp@remoteagent', 'sctp', listening_port = 14001)

is actually enough to be able to use the tsiPort 'ldapServer' and 'hlr' in your testcases.

Basic Statements

The stop() Statement

This statement can be used in multiple locations, leading to different effects according to the calling context.

  • When called from a (running) PTC (either from its Behaviour body or any of the functions called from it, including in alternative actions), it stops the PTC whose final local verdict will then be its last known local verdict.
  • When called from the MTC, i.e. from the test case body or any of the functions called from it, it stops the test case itself, requesting all running PTC to stop, merging all current local verdicts at the time of the stop action as the final test case verdict.

A typical usage pattern can be:


used when something went wrong and you don’t need to continue your test case anymore. Notice that you don’t need to stop whenever you set the verdict to fail to fail your test case since this verdict value can’t be overriden.

In case of explicit test case stop, beware that you may skip the postamble part of your test case that is supposed to restore the SUT state to what it was before the test case started. You should use this statement carefully.

  • In addition, you may call stop() from anywhere in the ATS control part to stop the ATS explicitly. In this case, Testerman provides an additional, optional integer argument to this function so that you can control the ATS return code - useful to control a campaign continuation, or simply state that the ATS was “failed” or “passed”. This code is also returned by the Testerman CLIclient in synchronous execution mode, enabling to check an ATS status from shell scripts, Makefile, continuous integration engines or the likes.
  • An ATS is considered complete if its return code is 0 - this is the default behaviour. This status is independent from the executed test cases results: it just indicates that the ATS was run up to its end.
  • An ATS is considered not complete if its return code is greather or equals to 1. Return codes from 1 to 99 (included) are reserved for runtime errors and ATS control (abnormal terminations, either system or user-triggered). Return codes >= 100 (and <= 255) are for your own use, and you should only pass return codes in this range to stop().

You may control this return code with:

# Don't continue if this test case is not passed,
# and consider the ATS should report an error to the ATS executor
# (a campaign, or a Makefile, ...)

# In this case, we stop the ATS for optimization reasons:
# if the first TC fails, we assume that all others will fail too.
# Since they lasts a very long time, we don't want to waste our time waiting
# for their completion.
if TC_FIRST_OF_A_SERIES_OF_SAME_KIND_OF_TC().execute(param = value1) != PASS:
TC_FIRST_OF_A_SERIES_OF_SAME_KIND_OF_TC().execute(param = value2)
TC_FIRST_OF_A_SERIES_OF_SAME_KIND_OF_TC().execute(param = value3)
TC_FIRST_OF_A_SERIES_OF_SAME_KIND_OF_TC().execute(param = value4)

Setting a return code in a stop() called from a test case (i.e. not from the control part) has no effect.

The log() Statement

You may log a user message at any time, anywhere in your ATS, using the following function:

log("This is a user message")

This produces a user log element in the logger system that can be analyzed and displayed in the various log viewers available for Testerman. Such a logged message is automatically attached to a logging entity depending on the calling context:

  • when called from the control part, the logged message is not attached to any test case.
  • when called from the test case body or any function called from here, the logged message is attached to the main test component (MTC). The QTesterman visual log viewer, for instance, is able to make this association visible to the end-user.
  • when called from a behaviour body or any function called from here, the logged message is attached to the parallel test component (PTC) running the behaviour. The QTesterman visual log viewer is able to make this association visible to the end-user, too.

log() only takes a single string or unicode string argument. The usual Python formatting methods apply, such as:

log("Current verdict: %s ; based on parameter p1=%s" % (getverdict(), p1))

Test Components



Timers can be defined at any time as soon as a test case is running (TTCN-3 allows the use of timers in the control part, this is not the case for Testerman). They can be declared and manipulated in the MTC, PTC, or any functions called from them.

Once started, a timer emits a timeout event on expiry. It can be restarted at any time (while running, stopped or expired), stopped before its timeout, and provides a way to measure the elapsed time since its start.

To declare a timer, use:

t_myTimer = Timer()

Alternatively, you may assign a default duration to it, expressed in seconds (as a non-negative float), and a name to track it in execution logs:

t_myTimer = Timer(2.0, "my timer") # defines a 2-second timer labeled "my timer"

Both arguments are optional, and you may use named arguments as well:

t_myTimer = Timer(duration = 2.0, name = "my timer") # defines a 2-second timer labeled "my timer"

If no name is provided, an identifier is automatically generated. It is unique for each timer. If no duration is provided, you will have to provide one when starting it. Consider this is a default duration.

To start a timer, use:

t_myTimer.start() # raise a runtime error (exception) if no duration was provided on declaration


t_myTimer.start(5.0) # start the timer with a 5 second duration, overriding the default duration, if any.

If you start an already running timer, it is restarted with the new duration, or, if not provided, the default duration provided during the timer declaration.

At any time you may stop it:


This has no effect if the timer was not running (already stopped, expired, or never started).

While the timer is running, you may use:

elapsed =

which returns the number of seconds, as a float, since the timer start. Returns 0.0 if the timer is not running; and

if t_myTimer.running():

which returns a boolean value indicating if the timer is running. Returns False only if the timer is stopped, expired, or never started.

To catch the timeout event, you may use, in a alt statement:

  [ t_myTimer.TIMEOUT, # timer timeout
    lambda: log("Do something on timer expiry"),
    lambda: ...

or the shortcut:


if you don’t have any other events or messages to match in parallel. This is equivalent to alt([[t_myTimer.TIMEOUT]]).

In particular, this is used to implement a sleep/wait function:

# Sleep of 1.5s, the TTCN-3/Testerman way
t_myTimer = Timer(1.5)

It is important to use this pattern for a sleep/wait implementation instead of the standard Python library time.sleep() to ensure that your code is interruptible by a ptc.stop() or equivalent.


  • t_myTimer.timeout() blocks until the timeout event for this timer is detected. However, it will returns immediately if the timer is not running.
  • t_myTimer.TIMEOUT event can be matched only once. It will me matchable again once the timer has been restarted.

Template Matching

Matching Mechanisms

Template matching is one of the most interesting feature of TTCN-3. It enables to detect if we receive a quite precise message without any manual checks or conditional value traversal. In addition to constant matching, several matching mechanisms are available to act as wildcards or conditions. These mechanisms are used in place of a constant in a template.

Testerman implements the following template matching mechanisms:

mechanism arguments applies to* description
any()   any type of values matches any but non-empty value. May be used as a single element wildcard in a list, too.
any_or_none()   any type of values matches any values, including empty values (lists, dicts, strings) or absent values (in a dict). May be used as “any number of elements” wildcard in a list, too
greater_than(value) integer, float integer or float matches values v as value <= v
lower_than(value) integer, float integer or float matches values v as v <= value
between(a, b) integer, float integer or float matches values v as a <= v <= b
empty()   list, dict, string matches empty lists, dicts, or strings
pattern(pattern) Python regular expression string matches strings that matches the regular expression pattern
omit()   any value in a dict enables to match a dict only if the associated field is not present in the dict (i.e. the entry has been omitted)
ifpresent(template) a Testerman template any value in a dict enables to apply the template to the value if the field present in a received dict, or still accept to match the dict if the field is not present
superset(*templates) any number of elements of any type lists matches any list that contains at least one time each of the given elements, in any order
subset(*templates) any number of elements of any type lists matches any list that contains only elements in the given elements, 0 or more times, in any order
complement(*templates) any number of elements of any type lists matches any list that does not contain any of the given elements
length(template) a Testerman (scalar) template list, string, dict extracts the length of the received message, and matches it against the provided template

* “applies to” means “can be used to match”

Mechanisms can be combined together. See the examples below.


message template matched ? comments
1.0 any() yes  
0 any() yes  
[] any() no  
[] any_or_none() yes  
hello pattern(r'^hell.*') yes  
{ 'key': 123, 'password': 'secret' } { 'key': between(100, 200) } yes  
{ 'key': 123, 'password': 'secret' } { 'key': lower_than(200), 'password': omit() } no the field password should not be present
{ 'key': 123 } { 'key': any(), 'password': any_or_none() } yes  
{ 'password': 'secret' } { 'key': any(), 'password': any_or_none() } no the key field must be present (but may have any value)
{ 'key': 123 } { 'key': any(), 'password': ifpresent('secret') } yes password was made optional
{ 'key': 123, 'password': 'hello' } { 'key': any(), 'password': ifpresent(pattern(r'secret.*')) } no password is now present, but does not match the sub-template
'verylongpassword' length(greater_than(16)) yes  
[1, 2, 3] subset(3, 2, 4, 1, 5, 6) yes  
[1, 2, 3, 1] superset(2, 1) yes  
[1, 2, 3, 2] superset(1, 2, 3, 4) no  
[1, 1, 2, 2] complement(3, 4, 5, 6, 7) yes  

List matching

List matching may be tricky because ordered. Several mechanisms, however, can help you matching exactly what you need, even if you don’t know the complete list you may receive (optional elements, etc). In particular, you can use any() and any_or_none() as ? and * wildcards, respectively:

message template matched ? comments
[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ] [] no  
[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ] [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] no  
[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ] [ 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 ] no not in the correct order
[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ] [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ] yes  
[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ] [ 1, 2, any(), 4, 5, 6 ] yes any() can replace any single element...
[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ] [ 1, 2, 3, any(), 4, 5, 6 ] no ...but this element must be present
[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ] [ 1, 2, any_or_none(), 5, 6 ] yes any_or_none() can replace any number of elements...
[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ] [ 1, 2, 3, any_or_none(), 4, 5, 6 ] yes ...even zero
[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ] [ any_or_none(), 3, any(), 5, 6 ] yes you may combine any() and any_or_none()
[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ] [ any_or_none(), 3, any_or_none() ] yes equivalent to superset(3), which may be more readable

And you may combine any other matching mechanism as well:

message template matched ? comments
[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ] [ lower_than(10), 2, 3, any_or_none() ] yes  
[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ] [ any_or_none(), lower_than(2), any_or_none(), 3, 4, 5, any() ] yes  
[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ] superset(greater_than(5)) yes  

Matching Mechanisms Valuation

To avoid writing different templates for both sending and receiving purposes, Testerman proposes an extension to TTCN-3 to valuate some matching mechanisms.

For instance, if you defined the following template:

mw_received_message = { 'location': 'Grenoble, France', 'weatherForecast': { 'temperature': between(0, 30) } }

You may also send it though it does not contain only fully qualified values due to the between matching condition. In this example, the sent value will use a temperature field valuated to a random integer between 0 and 30 (inclusive).

The following table provides the possible valuations for the matching mechanisms that implement one:

template matching mechanism valuation type valuation value comments
between(a, b) integer random integer >= a, <= b  
lower_than(a) a’s type value of a  
greater_than(a) a’s type value of a  
any() None None  

All valuations are implemented so that they lead to a value that matches the corresponding matching mechanisms. When trying to send a message that contains non-value-able matching mechanisms, a Testerman exception occurs.


Alternatives are a way to express the branching of a test behaviour upon the reception of messages on selected ports, timer events, or termination of (parallel) test components. Basically, you can see them as a kind of operating asynchronously and self-reevaluating in an infinite loop, until one branch is selected. This is a pooling loop where we wait for SUT (or Timer or PTC) events.

The event is called a “branch condition”, and is associated to some code to execute if the condition is met, i.e. when the branch is selected. Branches can be of five different types:

  • receiving-branch: such a branch is selected when a message matching a template has been receiving on a port. The associated condition is expressed, in Testerman, using port.RECEIVE(template), as detailed below.
  • timeout-branch: this kind of branch is selected when a timer expires. The associated condition is expressed using timer.TIMEOUT.
  • done-branch: the associated branch is selected when a PTC is complete; it is denoted ptc.DONE in Testerman.
  • killed-branch: the associated branch is selected when a PTC is killed; denoted ptc.KILLED in testerman.
  • TTCN-3 also specifies an altstep-branch, which is currently not supported in Testerman.

Notice that all branch conditions syntaxes use methods or members in uppercase. It helps differentiate them from the operations port.receive(template), timer.timeout(), ptc.done(), ptc.killed() respectively, which are basically shortcuts to a alt() statement containing only a single branch condition.

Additionally, a branch condition can be optionally guarded, i.e. only considered if an additional condition evaluates to true. If not provided, the guard is assumed to be always fulfilled, and the branch condition is always taken into account.

Finally, the branch contains some code to execute if its branch condition is matched. In Testerman, this code is written as a list of lambda functions (aka anonymous functions).

Note for the curious readers: lambda functions are used to prevent evaluating their contained statements when calling the alt() function - since we basically write Python code in the Testerman ATS, Python naturally evaluates all arguments to a function before being able to call it. In our case, this is not what we want, since we want to execute code conditionally. As an alternative (no pun intended), you may call a single function that contains all your code for the branch. This is, by the way, your only choice if you need multiple-line lambda functions (containing control structures such as if/else, while, ...).

These complete branches (optional guard, branch condition, code) are technically written as a list, and all these branches are gathered into another, ordered list which is passed as the single argument to the alt() function, leading to the following kind of construct:

  [ port01.RECEIVE(mw_myTemplate),
    lambda: log("This is a receiving-branch"),
  [ port02.RECEIVE(mw_mySecondTemplate),
    lambda: log("This is another receiving-branch, on an other port"),
  [ port01.RECEIVE(),
    lambda: log("Still a receiving-branch, matching all messages on port01"),
    lambda: log("You can use several lambda in the 'code block'"),
    lambda: setverdict('fail'),
  [ lambda: a >= 1, port02.RECEIVE(mw_myThirdTemplate),
    lambda: log("This is another receiving-branch, guarded only considered if a >= 1"),
  [ t_timer.TIMEOUT,
    lambda: log("This is a timeout-branch"),
  [ ptc.DONE,
    lambda: log("This is a done-branch"),
  [ ptc.KILLED,
    lambda: log("This is a killed-branch"),

The order branches are written does matter, due to the following rules when entering an alt():

  • whenever we enter a alt or loop over it (once all conditions have been checked and mismatched, or due to an explicit repeat using REPEAT), a “snapshot” of the current system is taken, memorizing all message queues states on all ports that are involved in the alt (actually, this snapshot is not implemented for now - ticket:20 - just consider it should be the expected behaviour, however) - in our example, port01 and port02 - as well as the current known PTC and timer event,
  • we try to match the snapshot messages/events against the different branch conditions in their order of appearance - providing their guards are fulfilled (they are re-evaluated at each loop)
  • if the branch condition is matched, then the associated code is executed. If the last executed statement evaluates to REPEAT, we restart the loop from scratch, with the matched message consumed, re-snapshooting the current system state. If the last executed statement evaluates to anything else, we exit the alt() call, with the matched message consumed, but all other messages on other ports unchanged. Matching a condition is the only way to exit a alt() call.
  • if the branch condition is mismatched, we continue with the next branch condition
  • once we mismatched all conditions in the alt, we discard the mismatched message, and restart our pass with the next message.

Since matching is “first-match” and not “best-match” based, the order does matter. In particular, in something like:

  [ port01.RECEIVE(),
    lambda: log("This condition hides the next one"),
  [ port01.RECEIVE(mw_myTemplate),
    lambda: log("This log will never be displayed"),

both conditions are expecting a message on the same port, but even if we receive a message that matches mw_myTemplate, it will first match the default template implicitly provided in port01.RECEIVE(), keeping the second branch from being selected.

Branch Conditions


Code Block

A code “block” is typically a list of lambda functions to call in this order. While this is quite convenient for small actions, such as sending a message back, setting a verdict, logging something, or event stop the current test component or test case, this is sufficient.

However, if you need to execute more complex statements, in particular control statements such as if/elif/else,, or even variable assignment, you won’t be able to do it from a lambda. In this case, you’ll need to implement a function external to the alt call, or, if you just want to assign a variable, use something like a StateManager instance, which has been designed for this kind of case.

Examples: If you need an additional condition or loop in a branch:

def f_messageHandler(message):
  if message['method'] == 'POST':
  elif message['method'] == 'PUT':

def f_doSomeLoop():
  for i in range(10):
    port02.send(m_response(count = i))

  [ port01.RECEIVE(mw_request(), value = 'msg'),
    lambda: f_messageHandler(value('msg')),
  [ port02.RECEIVE(),
    lambda: f_doSomeLoop(),

Notice that most conditions could be embedded into the matching template too. In the example above, we may have just use 2 branch conditions, one on port01.RECEIVE(mw_postRequest()), another one on port01.RECEIVE(mw_putRequest()).

Loops, to a certain extent, can also be collapsed to a single line instruction using Python list comprehensions: lambda: [ port02.send(m_response(count = i)) for i in range(10) ] would have been equivalent to the f_doSomeLoop() code above, but may be less readable.

In case of variable assignation, something like lambda: a = 1, you’ll simply get a syntax error. You can’t assign a variable directly from a lambda, but you can assign a member variable, or use a StateManager:

# This sample counts the number of requests received on a port
count = StateManager(0)

  [ port01.RECEIVE(mw_request()),
    lambda: count.set(count.get() + 1), # increment a
    lambda: REPEAT, # repeat the alt
  [ port02.RECEIVE(),
    # no action - just exit the alt when something has been received on port02

log("OK, we received %d requests on port01" % count.get())

StateManager objects can be quite convenient to implement state machines (hence their names), as we will see below.

Repeating a Alt

By default, when a branch is selected, its code block is executed and the alt returns. If you need to re-enter the loop, waiting for another event, you may use the special “Testerman keyword” REPEAT as the (usually last) action in your code block:

  [ port01.RECEIVE(mw_interestingMessage()),
    lambda: log("Got it !") # then exit the alt
  [ port01.RECEIVE(mw_keepAlive()),
    lambda: log("KA message received, sending response")
    lambda: port01.send(m_keepAliveResponse()),
    lambda: REPEAT, # repeat the alt

Repeating the alt is the default behaviour when receiving a message that does not match your templates. So it’s not use adding an alternative branch if you don’t need to perform any particular action on this message.

REPEAT can also be returned by the function called in your code block. Combined with the fact that if REPEAT is not the last action of your code block, it breaks your action sequence to restart the alt, discarding the remaining actions, this can lead to interesting things:

count = 0

def f_conditionalLoop():
  count += 1
  if count < 10:
    return REPEAT
  return False # or anything != REPEAT

  [ port.RECEIVE(),
    lambda: action1(),
    lambda: f_conditionalLoop(), # if it returns REPEAT, action2 won't be executed this time.
    lambda: action2()

# action2 will be executed only in the last loop, before leaving the alt

However, this example would rather be implemented with two alternative guarded branches (more readable).

Returning from a Alt

By default, when a branch is selected, its code block is executed and the alt returns, so you don’t need to return explicitly. However, you may implement conditional return in your list of actions via external functions:

def f_shouldWeContinue():
  if count > 10 and < 10.0:
    return RETURN # don't continue
  return True # or anything != RETURN

  [ port.RECEIVE(),
    lambda: action1(),
    lambda: f_shouldWeContinue(), # if it returns RETURN, action2 won't be executed
    lambda: action2()

Returning the “Testerman keyword” RETURN immediately returns from the alt, discarding the subsequent actions. Writing it statically is also possible, but would have exactly the same effect as commenting out the subsequent actions:

  [ port.RECEIVE(),
    lambda: action1(),
    lambda: RETURN,
    lambda: action2(),
    lambda: action3()
# equivalent to:
  [ port.RECEIVE(),
    lambda: action1(),


Guards are defined as callable/0 Python objects, that is functions that do not take any argument. If the first element of a branch declaration list is such a callable object, Testerman assumes this is a guard. If not, the first element of the list is assumed to be the branch condition - this is the way the guard can be optional.

The most usual way to implement such guards is, once again, lambda functions:

class TC_GUARD(TestCase):
  def body(self):
    a = StateManager(0)

      [ port01.RECEIVE(m_something()),
        lambda: log("let's increment a"),
        lambda: a.set(a.get() + 1),
        lambda: REPEAT,
      [ lambda: a.get() >= 1,
        lambda: log("ok, now we are sure that we received at least once m_something() on port01"),


Alt Execution

You can execute one alt() per test component “thread”. An alt is interruptible via ptc.kill() or ptc.stop() from any other test component, or only by a matching event. So be careful when entering the function, be sure to have a watchdog timer or a way to stop the polling loop gracefully.

Default Behaviours may help you with setting such watchdog timers for all alt() at once.

Default Behaviours

It is not unusual to have one or several events to catch systematically in a alt to execute some default actions, such as stopping the test case on error due to receiving a non-explicitly handled message, a global watchdog timeout keeping your test case from running indefinitely, or dealing with “background”, uninteresting messages such as keep-alive probes.

In these case, you may appreciate to implement one or several default behaviours.

Basically, a default behaviour is a set of alternative branches that are automatically appended to any alt() defined branches. This set can be activated and deactivated at any time. It is also possible to activate multiple default behaviours - however they will be handled in the order or their activation.

Activating a Default Behaviour

To activate, i.e. register, a default behaviour, use:

myDefaultBehaviour = activate([
  [ t_watchdog.TIMEOUT,
    lambda: log("Global watchdog expiry - stopping testcase"),
    lambda: setverdict("fail"),
    lambda: stop()
  [ port.RECEIVE(),
    lambda: log("Unknown message received. Strict mode: stopping testcase"),
    lambda: setverdict("inconc"),
    lambda: stop()

You noticed that activate takes only one argument that is exactly constructed the same as for a alt(). It may contain as many branches as needed. activate returns an identifier that is suitable for a call to deactivate (see below), in case of you need to deactivate thisdeault behaviour.

Since you can activate multiple default behaviours in a row, it may be convenient to separate the branches sets according to their functions. For instance, one set for a global watchdog, one set for background error management:

defaultWatchdog = activate([[t_watchog.TIMEOUT, lambda: setverdict('fail'), lambda: stop()]])
defaultError = activate([[port.RECEIVE(mw_errorMessage()), lambda: setverdict('fail'), lambda: stop()]])

An activation is only valid within a single test component, depending on where you activated it from. As a consequence, if you want to use a default behaviour in the MTC and in each PTC you create, you have to activate it from each PTC in addition to the MTC.


  • a default behaviour activated from within an alternative branch will only be taken into account in the next alt call and not in the current one, if it is repeated.

Deactivating a Default Behaviour

Once a default behaviour has been activated using activate(), it is taken into account in all subsequent calls to alt() (or functions that embeds an alt, such as timer.timeout(), port.receive(), etc) for the current test component. At any time, however, you may deactivate it using the identifier returned during its activation:

defaultWatchog = activate([ ... ])


# From now on, no more default watchdog handling in alt()

You can only deactivate a default behaviour that was activated in the same test component. Deactivating an already-deactivated behaviour has no effect.


  • a default behaviour deactivated from within an alternative branch will only be discarded in the next alt call and not in the current one, if it is repeated.

Template Value Extraction

Full Extraction

TTCN-3 defines a single way to extract a value from a message that matched a template, using the -> syntax and value (and sender) keywords. For instance:

port.receive(my_template) -> value m, sender s;

will store the received message that matched the template my_template to the local variable m, and the address of the sender (either a test component reference or a SUT address) to the local variable s. Once stored, you may traverse the received message as any other structured value to find the field of interest. For instance, if we assumed we received a SIP request to which we should reply with a response using the same call-id, we may use:

type record SipRequestType {
  charstring method,
  charstring callId,

template SipRequestType mw_sipRequest()
  method := ?,
  callId := ?,

// ...

charstring callId;

port.receive(nw_sipRequest) -> value request;
callId := request.callId

// Now reinject the callId into a response

resp = m_sipResponse(callId)
// ...

Testerman offers a similar mechanism to match the complete received message (and the associated sender, if needed). The syntax, however, is different:

port.receive(m_myTemplate, value = 'm', sender = 's')

This will store the received message matching the template my_template to an internal structure whose value can be retrieve later within the same test component “thread” (i.e. within the behaviour/PTC “thread” or the main/MTC “thread”) using:

matchedMessage = value('m')

The sender (either a reference to a test component (TestComponent instance) or the SUT address (Python built-in string) can be retrieved a similar way within the current test component “thread” with:

messageSender = value('s')

Of course, it is not mandatory to store the matched value to a variable; however you are advised to do so, as the matched value may be overriden on the next template match if you use the same value/sender name.

The above SIP example then translates to:

def mw_sipRequest():
  return { 'method': any(), 'callId': any() }

port.receive(sip_request(), value = 'request')
callId = value('request')['callId']

resp = m_sipResponse(callId)

Selective Extraction

The mechanism above is quite convenient to get a whole message. Sometimes, however, you may prefer get only a part of the matched message to avoid a structure traversal, especially when this structure is not as trivial as in the example above or when wildcards and lists are involved.

For example, if your template is something like:

# In SUA protocol, we may get an undefined list of parameters that contain a tag and a value.
# We are only interested in one of these parameters, but we cannot control the order
# we received them.
mw_myTemplate = [ any_or_none(), { 'tag': 0x06, 'value': any() }, any_or_none() ]
# This is equivalent to my_template = superset({ 'tag': 0x06, 'value': any() })

Once we matched it, we have to find the interesting parameter manually, checking the tag value in each entry of the matched list (provided all these entries contains atag field, which may be not mandatory depending on the message structure / involved codec). Instead of traversing the list manually, Testerman proposes a selective extraction mechanism that is tightly bound to the template:

mw_myTemplate = [ any_or_none(), { 'tag': 0x06, 'value': extract(any(), 'my_val') }, any_or_none() ]

Using the extract(<matching mechanism>, <name>) feature, you can directly get the value you want to extract without requiring a full message traversal. The matched value, if the template has matched, is then available through the value(<name>) syntax as for full message extraction.

Full example:

mw_myTemplate = [ any_or_none(), { 'tag': 0x06, 'value': extract(any(), 'my_val') }, any_or_none() ]

  [ port.RECEIVE(mw_myTemplate),
    lambda: log("parameter 0x06 value: %s" % value('my_val'),

Notice that you can freely use extract in sending templates providing the wrapped template matching condition has a tangible valuation (typically between, greater_than, lower_than, ... - selective extraction is meaningless, but fully usable, to extract constants).


  • This selective extraction mechanism does not work with any_or_none() (TTCN-3 *) wildcard.
  • Calls to value(name) where name is a string referring to a selected extraction in a template that did not match is undefined (may or may not return a value, depending on when the mismatch was detected).

Verdict Management

Each test component has a local verdict that can be set and retrieved at any moment, from anywhere during the test component execution.

This verdict is said to be local as it is only valid for the running test component: this is the PTC verdict in a behaviour body or any functions called from it, or the MTC verdict in the test case body or any functions called from it.

You can only manipulate (get or set) the local verdict of your current context. The test case verdict is automatically computed from merging the different local verdicts.

In Testerman, verdict values are string literals instead (while they are keywords in TTCN-3). However, the full verdict values are available, and some Testerman constants are provided for convenience to avoid using string values:

TTCN-3 verdict Testerman verdict value description
none NONE (or 'none') default verdict, unset
pass PASS (or 'pass') the test component logic considers the SUT reactions it observed were what it expected. Test case passed successfully.
fail FAIL (or 'fail') the test component logic considers the SUT reactions it observed were not the expected ones. Due to the verdict values precedence rules, if at least one local verdict is set to fail, it implies that the Test case verdict will be fail, too.
inconc INCONC (or 'inconc') inconclusive: not enough elements have been observed to tell if the SUT reactions were correct or not. We can’t tell that the test case failed because what we planned to test was not tested actually. Useful when some prerequisites cannot be set up or verified.
error ERROR (or 'error') an execution error occurred. Automatically set by the test execution system on runtime exception; cannot be set by the user.

Local verdicts are automatically merged to create a “test case” verdict using the following rules:

  • the test case verdict is initialized to none
  • whenever a test component is over (either done or killed), the test case verdict is updated with its local verdict,
  • when updating a verdict (including the test case verdict), the following precedence rules apply: none < pass < inconc < fail < error, which can also be visualized as indicated in the table below, indicating the resulting verdict after an update:
current verdict new verdict
pass inconc fail none
none pass inconc fail none
pass pass inconc fail pass
inconc inconc inconc fail inconc
fail fail fail fail fail

The error value overwrites all others.

Notice that the order of verdict merges does not affect the final test case verdict (when we wait for N PTCs to complete, for instance).

Setting a Verdict

You can only set a local verdict; the test case verdict is automatically computed by the system according to the different local ones.

To update the current local verdict, use the Testerman function setverdict anywhere in your test case or behaviour body or in a called function, for instance:

setverdict(PASS) # you may use setverdict('pass') if not using the pre-defined constant

Setting a verdict that is not in [ 'error', 'none', 'pass', 'fail', 'inconc' ] leads to a runtime exception.

However, as a best practice to make your code more readable and more reusable, you should only set verdicts from behaviour an test case body methods, while functions you call should never decide for such a verdict: only the caller should know how to interpret a function result.

Getting a Verdict

Local Verdict (Test Component)

You can get a verdict at any time during a test component execution using the Testerman function getverdict:

v = getverdict()

The returned value is the current local verdict, as a string in [ 'error', 'none', 'pass', 'fail', 'inconc' ] (i.e. in `` [ ERROR, NONE, PASS, FAIL, INCONC ]``).

Additionally, when a test component is over (either done or killed), you may retrieve their local verdict with the getverdict() method:

ptc = create()
v_ptcVerdict = ptc.getverdict()

Test Case Verdict

The test case verdict is returned as a result to its execution; if you don’t store it in a variable, it is lost. For instance:

v = TC_SAMPLE_02().execute()
if v != 'pass':

could be a way to stop an ATS when a particular test case fails (or more precisely - does not succeed), avoiding executing additional test cases whose outcomes would already be known since this basic test case failed.

Reference: Testerman API

This API may evolve, but its backward compatibility is guaranteed, so that your ATSes can still work in next Testerman versions.

The whole API is made accessible directly in the ATS namespace. You should NOT import any Testerman modules in your ATS, as their names and contents may evolve without notice.

Timer Objects


Timer(duration = None, name = None)


start(duration = None)

TestComponent Objects

Constructor: N/A (constructed from a testcase only)

Methods (meaningless on MTC):

start(behaviour, **kwargs)

Members (meaningless on MTC):



get_item[name] # provides a reference to a TC port - creates it dynamically if needed

Port Objects

Constructor: N/A (constructed dynamically when calling tc['portname'])


send(message, to = None)
receive(template = None, value = None, sender = None, from_ = None)
RECEIVE(template = None, value = None, sender = None, from_ = None)

Behaviour Objects



TestCase Objects


TestCase(title = None, id_suffix = None)


create(name = None, alive = False)
stop_testcase_on_failure(stop = True)

Functions Callable while a Testcase is Running

Can be used anywhere (functions, altsteps, behaviour, testcases):

get_variable(name, default_value = None)
set_variable(name, value)
match(message, template)
action(message, timeout = 5.0)

Should be used in behaviours and testcases only (avoid setting the local verdict from anywhere):


Should be used in testcases only (avoid dynamic test reconfiguration):

connect(portA, portB)
disconnect(portA, portB)
port_map(port, tsiPort)
port_unmap(port, tsiPort)

Default alternatives management:


Templates matching mechanisms:

between(a, b)

Selective message value extraction:

extract(template, value)

Codec :

with_(codec, template)

Control Part


get_variable(name, default_value = None)
bind(tsiPort, uri, type_, **kwargs)
stop_ats_on_testcase_failure(stop = True)

TestAdapterConfiguration Objects




bind(tsiPort, uri, type_, **kwargs)




StateManager Objects


StateManager(self, state = None)

