Testerman Administration Guide

The Document Root

The document root (or docroot for short) in the directory used by the server processes to store local repository files, component updates, built test executables and execution logs.

The document hierarchy is:

  • repository/: this directory is the root directory exposed to the user through the Ws interface. This is the local directory that is mounted as / in the exposed virtual file system. It typically contains all user ATS and module files, unless you configured additional file system backends to point to other locations or backend types. Since it contains user data, this is a directory to backup.
  • MOTD: the Message Of The Day optional file. If present, it is retrieved by QTesterman clients and displayed on startup. You may use it to communicate about the server administrations, updates or maintenance announcements, etc.
  • archives/: this directory contains executed ATSes, as Test Executables and associated log execution files. If you need to troubleshoot a TE, you may need to access this folder. It can also be browsed through the Ws interface, and is actually interfaces by QTesterman, so that the user can retrieve any archived execution log.
  • updates.xml: this file is used to describe available component updates for component that supports autoupdates (for instance, QTesterman (via Ws) and the PyAgent (via Xa)). This file is mandatory to enable updates distribution.

Additionally, when distribution updates from the servers, we suggest you use the following convention:

  • updates/: store component update packages (tar or tar.gz files). The complete path within the document root to the update is provided within the updates.xml, so it is not mandatory to use this folder name. However, distributable packages must be located below the document root.

This document root is typically used by both the Testerman Server and the Testerman Agent Controller Server (TACS). However, since the TACS only uses it for distributing updates to agents, you may create a document root dedicated to it, containing at least a updates.xml file, and typically a updates/ folder with the agent packages referred by the xml file.

Update Management

Updates Metadata Format

The file docroot/updates.xml provides all the needed information to update an agent or a client. It is a xml file whose structure is something like:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
  <update component="qtesterman" branch="stable" version="1.0.0" url="/updates/qtesterman-1.0.0.tar">
    <!-- optional properties -->
    <property name="release_notes_url" value="/updates/rn-1.0.0.txt />
    <!-- ... -->
  <update component="qtesterman" branch="experimental" version="1.0.1" url="/updates/qtesterman-1.0.1.tar" />
  <update component="pyagent" branch="stable" version="1.0.1" url="/updates/pyagent-1.0.1.tar" />
  <update component="pyagent" branch="stable" version="1.0.0" url="/updates/pyagent-1.0.0.tar" />

Whenever you want to make a new update available to agents/clients, you should update this file to declare the new update, providing the followinf information as attributes to the update element:

  • component: a name identifying the component the update refers to. This name depends on the client/agent. See below for details.
  • branch: a branch classifies an update. By convention, it is either stable (well tested update), testing (should be OK in most cases, but the user should be aware of some remaining potential problems with it - early deployment), or experimental (beta or alpha testing, specific purposes). These branches enables you to deploy updates without impacting all production users (using only stable updates), while leaving the opportunity to some users to test new probes or new QTesterman features (testing or experimental, when testing very specific updates with one or two users). Once a version has been correctly tested, you may switch its branch from testing to stable (or anything else).
  • version: the version of a component. Must be formatted as A.B.C (for instance 1.0.1, 2.10.13). The meaning of each digit is your own choice for the component you developed. For components distributed with the project, C is a incremented on bugfix or small enhancement (A.B fixed), B on normal enhancement (A fixed, C reset to 0), A on major changes (B, C reset to 0).
  • url: the location of the update archive within the document root. Must be a file format supported by the component.

Additional, optional properties may be defined. In this case, they are component-dependent.

Standard Updatable Components

Testerman provides the following standard component that can be updated through the system above:

Component name Description Supported archive formats Supported properties Comments
qtesterman The QTesterman rich client tar, tar.gz (none) The archive file must contain files in a qtesterman/ base folder. Updated through Ws.
pyagent The Python Testerman Agent (with probes) tar, tar.gz (none) The archive must contain a (single) subdir containing the file to update. Updated through Xa.

You may develop your own components that could be distributed through this infrastructure as well.