RTSP Probe

Act as a RTSP client over TCP.

Identification and Properties

Probe Type ID: rtsp.client


Name Type Default value Description
strict_mode boolean False When True, disables automatic CSeq management (generation and check on response), and transfer response headers as is, without modifying the case (use this mode for protocol-oriented testing). When False, CSeq is automatically generated if not provided, checked when receiving a response, and reponse header names are converted to lower case to make matching easier.
version string RTSP/1.0 The RSTP version string to use in the request line
auto_connect boolean False If set to True, tcp-connect on mapping, otherwise only connect hen sending a message. Has no effect for udp transport.
maintain_connection boolean False If set to True, does not tcp-disconnect once a response has been received. Has no effect for udp transport.
host string localhost The IP address or hostname of the RTSP server
port integer 554 The transport port of the RTSP server
transport string in 'tcp', 'udp' tcp The transport to use to reach the RTSP server. Only tcp is implemented for now
local_ip string '' (empty) The local IP address (or hostname) to use for outgoing packets. Leave it empty for automatic selection by the system. For udp transport, this is also the address the probe listens for a response on
local_port integer 0 The local port for the outgoing packets. Leave it to 0 for automatic port selection by the system. For udp transport, this is also the port the probe listens for a response on


This probe implements a very simple RTSP encoder/decoder over tcp. It encapsulates the RTSP codecs, feeding it only when the whole payload has been received (that’s why a probe is required), and is based on RFC 2326.

Optionally, the probe can manage CSeq generation and correlation on response (see the strict_mode property), enabling both high-level and more procotol-oriented testing.


All platforms.



See Also

For pure protocol testing, you may also consider using RTSP codecs with an UDP probe (stateful decoding not required), or with a TCP probe.

TTCN-3 Types Equivalence

The test system interface port bound to such a probe complies with the RtspClientPortType port type as specified below:

type record RtspRequest
  charstring method,
  charstring uri,
  charstring version optional, // default: 'RTSP/1.0', or as configured
  record { charstring <header name>* } headers,
  charstring body optional, // default: ''

type record RtspResponse
  integer status,
  charstring reason,
  charstring protocol,
  record { charstring <header name>* } headers,
  charstring body,

type port RtspClientPortType message
  in RtspRequest;
  out RtspResponse;