Oracle Probe

Oracle Database client.

= Identification and Properties =

Probe Type ID:


Name Type Default value Description
host string 'localhost' The Oracle server IP address or hostname. Must be the same as defined in the TSN on the server’s connector.
port integer 1521 The Oracle TCP listening port on host
sid string (empty) The Oracle System ID corresponding to your instance
user string (empty) The user to use to connect to the database db above
password string (empty) The password to use, if required to connect to the database db above for user user


This probes allows to connect to an Oracle database and perform any valid SQL command that are valid for this DBS. Just send the SQL request as a string through a port bound to the probe.

As a result, you should expect a SqlResult choice structure, whose 'error' arm is a simple charstring indicating an error (connection- or SQL- related), and result indicates a successful query.

In case of a non-SELECT query, result is an empty list. In case of a SELECT query, it contains a list of dictionaries corresponding to the selected entries, whose keys are the names of the returned columns. The associated values are natural Python equivalent to SQL types. However, the following types have not been tested yet:

  • NULL
  • blobs
  • date/time

(If you encounter any problem with these SQL types or other ones, please contact us or create a ticket).

These structures and mechanisms are common to all sql.* probe types.

The supported Oracle versions depend on the underlying Oracle libs you are using, and are independent from the probe.

It has been tested successfully against a Oracle 10g R2 and 11g R2 servers.


All platforms.


This probe requires the cx_Oracle Python module, than can be found at

The cx_Oracle module is a wrapper that requires Oracle librairies.

Here is a possible path to a working probe:

  • Get the Oracle Instant Client from the Oracle site (requires free registration) for the platform that will run the probe (the Basic Lite version is sufficient)
  • Decompress it wherever you want
  • Under Windows, copy oraociicus11.dll and oci.dll to a directory included in the PYTHONPATH of the agent (in particular, you may put them into its plugins/probes/ directory)
  • Under Linux, copy ?.so and to plugins/probes/ under your agent tree, but be sure to add a LD_LIBRARY_PATH to this path before restarting your agent. To make the probe work from the TE (i.e. not hosted on a agent), you should copy them to the core/ Testerman directory, since it is automatically included in all TE’s LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

Make sure to download Oracle Instant Client and a cx_Oracle module that are compatible with each other and with your Oracle database version.

As far as it has been tested, using libs for Oracle 11g correctly works with a Oracle 10g server.

See Also

TTCN-3 Types Equivalence

The test system interface port bound to such a probe complies with the SqlPortType port type as specified below:

type charstring SqlRequest;

type union Result
  charstring error,
  record of SqlResult result

type record SqlResult
  any <field name>* // according to your request

type port SqlPortType message
  in SqlRequest,
  out SqlResult